Comic Crossroads
Vital statistics
Universe Earth-5261
Base of Operations Mobile
Oa (Formerly)
Body Type Cybernetic
Eyes Varies
Hair Unknown
Skin Varies
Number of Limbs Varies
Special Adaptations Metal skin
Notable Individuals Highmaster
Home Planet Oa
Origin Unknown
Created by Draft227
Quote1 The Manhunters were designed by the Guardians as the universe's first protectors. Our great creation, our great failure. We underestimated their powers and will, because they lacked emotions and soul. They destroyed billions, and for that we exiled them, hiding our children from the universe. "No Man Escapes from the Manhunters", they whisper, and now they returned. Quote2
- Sayd

The Manhunters were a race of cybernetic beings created by the Guardians of the Universe to act as their first attempt of policing and peace keeping force across the universe, the precursors to the Green Lantern Corps. After developing their own sapience, the Manhunters became dictators and killed hundreds of beings, forcing the Guardians to banish them to the edges of the galaxy.


Characteristic Traits[]
