Comic Crossroads
Character Statistics
Aliases Lawrence Crock
Nicknames Sportsman
Affiliation Unknown
Base of Operations Unknown
Relatives Paula Crock (Mother), Artemis Crock (Daughter)
Alignment Neutral/Antihero
Marital Status Married
Identity Status Secret
Occupation Mercenary
Education High School Graduate
Citizenship American
Religion Unknown
Physical Attributes
Gender Male
Height 6'11"
Weight Unknown
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Brown

Unusual Features Scars
Universe Earth-51022015
Place of Birth Unknown
Date of Birth Unknown
Created by Unknown

Lawrence Crock is a mercenary who works to aid his wife Paula, who has to pay medical bills for her cancer, and their daughter Artemis, who is starting to get into school. To ensure that he gets the job done, his employers would use a bomb inside his head, and would be assassin's that target his family ensure that he does an ideal job.
