Comic Crossroads
Allfather Odin
Odin Borson81616
Vital statistics
Aliases Unknown
Affiliation Asgard (Allfather)
Base of Operations Asgard
Identity Unknown
Relatives Thor Odinson (Son)

Loki Odinson (Son)

Don Blake (Host of son's essence)

Lucas Olsen (Host of son's essence)

Age 5672
Alignment Good
Citizenship Unknown
Marital Status Single
Occupation Unknown
Status Active
Physical attributes
Species Unknown
Gender Male
Height 6' 5"
Weight 126kg
Eyes Blue
Hair White
Skin Caucasian
Unusual Features Missing one eye
Origin Asgardian "God"
Universe Earth-81616
Place of Birth Asgard
Created by PhotonCommander10

 Odin Borson is the Allfather of Asgard, and the father of Loki and Thor, both of whom died battling eachother, but Odin had them live on in the bodies of two humans.

