Comic Crossroads
Vital statistics
Aliases Unknown
Affiliation Formerly: X-Men
Base of Operations Formerly: Xavier Academy for Homo Superior
Identity Unknown
Relatives Unknown
Age 18
Alignment Bad
Citizenship Unknown
Marital Status Dating (Piotr Rasputin, also infected by Phoenix Force)
Occupation Unknown
Status Active
Physical attributes
Species Unknown
Gender Female
Height 5' 5"
Weight 61kg
Eyes Green
Hair Red
Skin Caucasian
Unusual Features None
Origin Mutant
Universe Earth-81648
Place of Birth St. Louis, Missouri
Created by PhotonCommander10

 Jean Grey is a mutant, and currently attends the Xavier Academy for Homo Superior, acting as an X-Man as well as a student. She is also known for playing host to the Phoenix Force.


Quote1 Why can't you people understand that the Phoenix is the bringer of life!? It is the supreme entity, so deal with it, or perish! Quote2


Jean Grey81648

Jean as an X-Man

Phoenix Rising[]

A Galaxy Away[]
