Comic Crossroads
Drake Gibson81648
Vital statistics
Aliases Unknown
Affiliation the Brotherhood
Base of Operations Brotherhood System
Identity Unknown
Relatives Nathaniel Gibbons (Father, deceased)

Tayla Gibbons (Mother, deceased)

Kyle Sentra (Adoptive Father)

Jennifer Sentra (Adoptive Mother)

Age 15
Alignment Good
Citizenship Unknown
Marital Status Dating (Amanda Piers)
Occupation Unknown
Status Active
Physical attributes
Species Unknown
Gender Male
Height 6' 3"
Weight 107kg
Eyes Green (Red when using powers)
Hair Black
Skin Caucasian
Unusual Features Insignia burnt into chest due to long exposure to the energy-infused emblem.
Origin After attempting to recreate his father's work, he was kidnapped by the mysterious ARTEMIS, who experimented on him, accidentally causing his powers.
Universe Earth-81648
Place of Birth Manchester, England
Created by PhotonCommander10 (Based on the character by Artemis Panther

 Derrek Gibbons is a high school student, along with Luke Daniels, and secretly the the Brotherhood's leader, Synapse.


"Sometimes, heroes are born, and sometimes, they're made. I was made, it was an accident, on their behalf. But one day, I will show that I wasn't just made, I was born. After all, I'm Synapse!"

- Derrek

Death at Birth[]

Raised in a New Paradigm[]

A Death in the Family[]



The Brotherhood[]

Drake Gibson81648(2)

Drake practicing his energy manipulation.

Powers and Abilities[]
