Comic Crossroads
Castel (1)
Legal information
Real Name Unknown
Aliases Castel
Joaquim Sobral
Status Deceased
Residence Rome, Italy
Base of Operations Rome, Italy
Died June 15, 2002 (Paris, France)
Affiliation Third Echelon
Splinter Cell Program
Marital Status Single
Citizenship American
Occupation Splinter Cell operative
Physical attributes
Gender Male
Height 6' 0"
Eyes Brown
Hair Blonde
Skin Caucasian
Mental attributes
Universe Earth-7253
Created by Draft227
Licensed under CC-BY-SA

"Castel" was a Splinter Cell operative of Third Echelon who was based on Rome, Italy. In June 2002, he was assigned to kill the Third Echelon defector Jason Bourne under the guise of "Joaquim Sobral", a Portuguese man.


Early life[]

Much of the past and background of the agent codenamed "Castel" is unknown and intentionally redacted duo to his involvement in the Splinter Cell Program. As a Splinter Cell, Castel was effectively a supersoldier with a wide variety of skills, training, and strength that allowed him to easily eliminate his targets for Third Echelon and the CIA.

Assassination mission[]

While assigned to Rome, Italy, in 2012, Castel was assigned to eliminate fellow Splinter Cell and government defector Jason Bourne. Under the alias of Portugal resident "Joaquim Sobral", Castel left Italy and tracked down Bourne and Marie Helena Kreutz to an apartment they were hiding in Paris, France. Once he arrived, Castel equipped himself with a submachine gun and a combat knife before engaging Bourne in hand-to-hand combat. Using his skills, Bourne took a ballpoint pen to defend himself from Castel's knife attacks, and was eventually able to stab Castel in the hand by penetrating the skin on the back of his hand, entering his wrist. 


Castel painfully pulled the pen out of his hand and returned to the fight. Because he sustained heavy blood loss and injuries from Bourne's blows, Castel was subdued by his opponent, who broke his arm and leg. While Bourne would attempt to interrogate Castel, the loyal agent jumped out of the apartment's window and killed himself to not give away any information.

Right after his suicide, Marie approached Castel's bag, where she found wanted posters with her's and Bourne's pictures on them.
